Article for March 22 Bulletin



My articles during Lent so far have been focused on the Seven Sacraments.  Given the rapidly developing health crisis that has enveloped our nation and the world however, I thought it would be prudent for me to talk about ways we as Catholics can continue to live and grow in our faith during this time of things shutting down and being quarantined.

At the time that I am writing this article, we still plan to offer Masses at our usual times.  As I announced at Masses last week, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been lifted until this current crisis is over.  So stay at home if you feel sick or are worried about getting sick and do not feel guilty if you choose to do so.  Many dioceses across the country have already canceled Masses, so know that there is a possibility our diocese might do the same.  But even if we do, that does not mean we cannot still pray in our Churches.  To that end, I plan to have St. Cecilia’s Church open from 9 AM until 7PM every day of the week.  I will also look into doing something similar at Mary Immaculate, once I figure out who can unlock and lock the building as needed.  I plan to continue to have adoration on Tuesdays as usual as well.  Prayer is going to be very important for all of us at this time.  Prayer will be like an anchor that keeps a ship from bashing against the rocks during a storm.  Keep praying.

Here are some other ideas of how we can continue to live our faith:


I hope to be able to reach out to people through our parish website and my Facebook page  We also have a Facebook page for our parish youth that Mari Jo and I hope to utilize  Please check these out often. has many Catholic videos, books, and talks available.  Check out Mari Jo’s article to find the access code to get free content.,, and are three other great websites that offer great catholic content as well.

Do not be afraid to call us at the office either.  And remember, keep praying like your life depends on it.  Because it does.